
The team pricing bands can be imported for all work items associated with a team, each import only updates the data for the team identified within the data file. You need to repeat the procedure for each team where you want to import team pricing data.

The are four ways that you can import team pricing band data:

  • Insert - this mode of import assumes that there are no existing pricing bands associated with a team. You should import the Default Rate data first then you can import the pricing bands.
  • Update - this mode of import assumes that there are existing tables of pricing bands associated with a team and that you want to update the values in the existing bands.
  • Merge - this mode of import assumes that there are existing tables of pricing bands associated with a team and that you want to update existing values and add additional bands.
  • Replace - this mode of import assumes that there are existing tables of pricing bands associated with a team, but that you want to replace them completely with a new set of bands.

The Update, Merge and Replace modes of import for pricing bands can be done independently of the Default Rate. We suggest it is simpler to manage the Default Rate using the Team pricing manager.

The following procedure is common for all modes, however, the settings vary for each mode.

Create a pricing band import

To import pricing bands for a team use the following procedure:

  1. Upload the files into Alloy, we recommend you give the files identifiable names, see Upload files for more information about uploading files.
  2. Create an import item for the Pricing band data file first, see Importing data, for more information about creating import items.

Configuring the import

Once you have successfully created the import item you can now configure it, see Importing data, for more information about the general process of configuration. The following procedure is specific to the configuration of a team pricing bands import.

  1. Select step Destination to define the design and how the data is to be imported.

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Complete all of the following fields:

  • Design - when you select this field you are prompted to select the design that you want to import the data into, you should select the Pricing Band design. This is common for all modes of import.
  • Collection - when you select this field you are prompted to select a collection, select the Live collection. This is common for all modes of import.
  • Mode - select the mode of import you require, Insert, Update, Merge or Replace.
  • Item ids header - For the Insert and Replace modes leave this field blank as the pricing band IDs do not exist within the data and will be generated by the system.

    For the Update and Merge modes you should select the Pricing Band ID header from the dialog when prompted as you need to match the data to the existing bands.

  1. Select Done to return to the Custom configuration page.
  2. Select step Attributes to map the data to attributes within the design.

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The system detects any attributes that match the data, in this case there should be four attributes, Band, Min Value, Max Value and Rate, that map to your data, click the yellow notice to apply them.

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This is common to all import modes.

  1. Select Done to return to the Custom configuration page.

Steps and are not relevant to the import of team pricing data for all import modes.


Step should omitted if you are performing an Update mode import.

  1. Select step Parents to enter the parents links associated with the data that you are importing. This is needed to associated the bands with the team pricing default rate and work item.

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  1. Select Add parent. For the pricing band data import you need to add one parent.

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For the parent complete all the fields as follows:

  • Parent design or interface - select the Team pricing design as the data only applies to a specific team pricing item.
  • Attribute to add to - select the Pricing Bands attribute from the dialog.
  • Header to match - select the Team Pricing ID header from the dialog as within your data that is used to match to the parent design.
  • Match link by - select Item id to match the link by the team pricing ID value.
  1. Select Add when you have completed the Add parent page.
  2. Select Done to return to the Custom configuration page.

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Validate the import

Once you have completed the configuration you can validate it.

  1. Select the Validate button on the Custom configuration page. A message appears to indicate that the import is being validated.
  2. A notification appears at the top of the Item details panel to indicate that the import file has been updated if the validation has been successfully completed.
  3. Select the notification to reload and refresh the browser. At this stage Alloy indicates that the status of the import item is Validated.

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If the validation is unsuccessful an error message is displayed. A log file is generated that you can download to help you identify the errors and correct them, you will need to upload and re-import the corrected file.

Committing the import

If the validation has been successful, without any Warnings or Errors, then you can commit the import.

  1. With the import item displayed in the Item details panel, select the more actions button from the action bar.
  2. Select the Commit button. A message appears to indicate that the import is being processed.
  3. Select the notification to reload and refresh the browser. At this stage Alloy indicates that the status of the import item is Processed.

You should check the data has been imported correctly by examining team pricing affected by the import.