
You can configure the suggestion panel list to include or exclude items from the list. This allows you to access categories that reduce the scope of your search request and display the list of items you want to view quickly.

Configuring the suggestion list

To configure the suggestion panel list and display the categories, that you want to work with most frequently, use the following procedure:

  1. At the bottom of the suggestion list select the Configure suggestions option.

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  1. This displays a list of the suggestion options and indicates which ones are included in the suggestions list. When you select the icon you can hide an option from the list.

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You can also customise the list to include suggested categories to include specific design or interface items in the search. Select the Add custom suggestion button to display a dialog listing all the available designs and interfaces.

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  1. When you have selected the design or interface select Save to add it to the suggestions list. When you select the custom suggestion it will display a list of all items related to the design or interface, for example, defects.

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