
An item with multi-polygon geometry, for example a park area or buildings require a design that includes multi-polygon geometry. When you create an item based on such a design you are required to place the item on the map in order to create the item.

Create an item with multi-polygon geometry

To create an item:

  1. Select the Designer module.
  2. Select Create item. The left panel displays the list of steps that you need to perform to create an item.
  3. Select the first step and choose the design for the item, then select Done.
  4. Select the second step and complete any item details that are required, then select Done.
  5. Select item location to display the Geometry page.

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  1. Select the polygon geometry button, a placing icon appears under the cursor.
  2. Move the cursor to the starting location for the polygon required and click the cursor to place the first node of the polygon. A new placing icon appears under the cursor, as you move the cursor away from the first node, a dotted line appears connecting the first node to the placing icon.

You must draw the polygon in an anti-clockwise direction to create a valid polygon.

  1. Move the cursor to the next location for the polygon and click the cursor to place the second node. You can now repeat the process until the item polygon is complete.

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  1. Double click the last icon to complete the polygon.

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You can change the shape of the polygon by selecting and dragging any existing node that you created. In addition you can add more nodes by selecting and dragging any point along any side of the polygon.

  1. To draw the next polygon, select the polygon geometry button and repeat the process.

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The GeoJSON editor displays the coordinate codes that define the polygon geometry.

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  1. Select Done to complete the geometry step. The Geometry page displays the multipolygon item.

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  1. Select Create in the left panel to complete the creation of the item.