
Alloy mobile allows you to change your password that is associated with your Alloy account.


This procedure does not affect your Microsoft or Google details. You need to change those independently of Alloy.

How to change your Alloy password

To change your password you can use Alloy directly. You can also reset you password using your mobile device.


You will need access to your email account and be online to complete to procedure of resetting your password.

  1. Open the Alloy app.

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  1. Select the Trouble logging in? option. This displays the email entry dialog.

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  1. Enter your email and the select the Reset password option. This causes an email to be sent to the email account you entered.

  2. Check your email, a do not reply email should appear that allows you to reset your password.

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  1. Select Reset password from within the email and follow the instructions to change your password.