
Report documents that are created by Alloy when a report is run can be viewed by downloading the documents. Depending on the report, report documents can occur in several formats that you can download:

  • CSV - these documents can be viewed in most spreadsheet applications
  • HTML - these documents can be viewed directly using any web browser
  • PDF - these documents can be viewed using any PDF viewer application.

Downloading a report

Report documents can downloaded from several locations:

  • Assets - where a generated report is associated with one or more assets you can use the item details panel for the asset to access and download the documents.
  • Reports - the Reports card allows you to access and view all generated reports and select a report to download any documents contained within the report.
  • Search - you can search for a report using the search panel.

Once a report has been selected the procedure to download one or all the documents is the same.

Downloading all the documents

  1. Select an asset, see Viewing items. The General tab is displayed by default in the item details panel.
  2. Select the Reports tab to display a list of any reports that are associated with the asset.

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The Reports tab is not available for all asset types.

  1. Select the report from the list to display the details of the report, the General tab is displayed by default.

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  1. You can download all the documents from the General tab, select the more actions button from the action bar.

  2. Select the Download button, to download all the documents within the report. You are prompted for a location to save each report document.

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Once the download is complete you can view the documents using the appropriate application.

Downloading an individual report

Alloy allows you to download an individual report document once you have selected a report.

  1. Select the Report documents tab to display the list of report documents within the report.

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  1. Select the document that you want to download, the document details are displayed in the Item details page.

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  1. Select the more actions button from the action bar.
  2. Select the Download button, to download the selected document within the report. You are prompted for the location to save the report document.

Once the download is complete you can view the document using the appropriate application.