
The flow vertical stack control acts as a container that allows you to group together other controls, for example, image, field and text and nests the controls vertically within itself.

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Creating a Vertical stack

Select the Vertical stack control from the Add control dialog. The Vertical stack control is created and displayed within the layout editor.

A configuration dialog is displayed on the right hand side. Each field within the dialog can be defined dynamically or as a constant. See Dynamic fields.

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The configuration dialog allows you to define the following fields for the control:

  • Data source

    This displays a dialog that allows you to select a parent data source. Although you can select any type of data source, for this control to be useful you would normally select an AQS type data source, which should produce multiple results that are used by the controls within the vertical stack control.

  • Child alignment

    This allows you to define the alignment of the other controls within the stack.

    Field and image controls can vary in size and may not occupy the full width of the stack container. Horizontal and vertical stacks, text and table controls always expand to occupy the maximum available space.

    You can configure the field to be defined dynamically, where the field is linked to a data source that contains the alignment setting and is populated when the report is run. When you select the constant option to define the alignment you can select one of the following options:

    • Left
    • Centre
    • Right

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The alignment of the content within each control is dependent on the settings for each control and it is not affected by the settings within the stack.